Why Is Athens Better Than Sparta

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Currently there is a great debate happening about Athens and Sparta. Some people believe that Athens is a better city state. After examining both positions, it is a evident that Sparta is better than Athens, because Sparta had a more efficient education, government and economy.
Spartans oligarchy surpassed the Athenians government in many ways. The Spartans government was an oligarchy with 2 kings and 28 men. This is significant because it makes it easier to agree on laws and rules then 600 men trying to agree on something. To be in the C.O.E. (Council of Elders) you had to be 60 years or older. This shows that older men can get a job opportunity because as you know not many elderlies can get jobs at their age and also they've lived for a longer time so they make wise decision based on personal experience. The C.O.E. prepared laws for the assembly. This shows that there won't be much chaos because there are many people and it would just be easier. The assembly could only vote yes or no on laws that the C.O.E. suggested. This is important because in Athens you need many men to approve on laws but in Sparta The C.O.E could …show more content…

Spartans only traded things if they ever needed them. This proves that Spartans are more independent than athens when it comes to farming and conquering other lands. Spartans conquered neighboring cities. This is significant because it gave spartans access to more farming land and more labor. Helots did all of the work. This proves that spartans gave people a chance to work but not as slaves. Periokin were free men who didn't have to be citizens. All in all this proves that Sparta economy as better than athens because in athens you had to be a citizen in order to be a free man. Also perioki made loads of things for the soldier like shoes and cloaks. Spartans used heavy iron rods. The part of this which seems especially relevant is the fact that it makes it harder to steal the iron