Why Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water

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It is important to question the water that we drink for the evaluation of our safety and health. Our sources for suitable drinking water is divided between bottled water and tap water. Tap water usually has a bad reputation when it comes to the "cleanliness" or the "purity" of the water. Bottled water usually has the good image between the two where people think it's cleaner and safer than tap water. In actuality, both sources of water have their own pros and cons, it is just a matter of preferences on risks and benefits that needs to be considered.Drinking tap water has its own benefits along with some problems. The pros for drinking tap water is that it is immensely cheaper than bottled water (roughly costing less than one cent per gallon), …show more content…

Although these are essential problems to think about, people still choose bottled water for the reasons of the convenience especially during natural disasters, the relief of knowing that at least it won't get contaminated by lead, and the overall image that it is a cleaner option than tap water.Before reading any of these articles, I sided with drinking bottled water because it felt safer than tap water. Although now I know the truth with the chance of plastic leaking contamination in the water and the fairly high percentage of water not being regulated, I still will side with bottled water. I compared the costs and benefits between the two to get to my personal belief. I personally think that although bottled water is extremely expensive compared to tap water, the pricing hasn't much affected my family's spendings. Another reasoning is the safety and purity image of bottled water. I know the containers are a problem to the water, but I understand how it does take into effect so I have a chance to avoid the water getting contaminated, unlike tap water where it is a harder process to make sure the plumbing isn't contaminating the water. These articles gave a good amount of information, but I needed more evidence that specifically pertain to New Jersey's tap water. From another article, it gave me more statistics about lead contamination that added more reasons to why I stick with bottled water. Overall, I could see why people would choose tap