Why Is Canada's Healthcare System In Crisis

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In recent years, the Canadian healthcare system has become increasingly overburdened, understaffed, and blatantly unreliable. With Canada’s growing population, a strong public healthcare system is paramount in maintaining a healthy society while ensuring that all people receive the essential health services they need. For decades, Canada’s health system has been looked upon as the ideal healthcare system for countries all over the world. The Canadian healthcare system is currently run through Medicare, allowing all citizens to have free, reasonable access to necessary health services. Medicare was first proposed by Tommy Douglas in 1959 to allow all Canadian citizens to receive free essential healthcare. In 1984, the Canada Health Act (CHA) was introduced, to lay the groundwork for the primary goals and rules of Medicare. …show more content…

Unfortunately, even with Medicare and an established system, Canada is lacking in many of these requirements, which has led to a variety of problems across the country. With Canada’s quality of healthcare on a decline, we are left with the question: “Why is the Canadian healthcare system in crisis?” Firstly, Canada’s use of funds has become inefficient and unsustainable. Secondly, there are many problems with organization within the public system. Finally, Canada is facing a devastating staffing crisis, which has led to negative consequences for both patients and healthcare workers. The consequences of the Canadian healthcare crisis affect citizens in need of emergency care, those who suffer from life-threatening illnesses, and the population of Canada as a whole. Thus, the primary contributing causes to the crisis are improper funding, a lack of medical supplies, and the staffing