Why Is Charles Darwin Important

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Charles Darwin was one of the most important people in creating a culture that has put a great value on the importance of scientific awareness. His research in creating the Theory of Evolution has revolutionized the way that we look at life and the world as a whole. His work as a biologist has launched the world into a culture that values knowledge and critical thinking. Darwin's discoveries have created great leaps forward in science, specifically in the field of biology. Without Darwin's research in the Galapagos Islands we would not know many things about human biology and how it developed.

Charles Darwin's research started in his early life, when at the age of sixteen he enrolled at Edinburgh University his father encouraged him to become a medical doctor, but instead Charles was far more interested in natural history. In 1831 Darwin's professor John Stevens Henslow recommended him for a naturalist's position on the HMS Beagle for a five-year voyage around the world to survey nature. It was on this voyage that Darwin observed different finches on the Galapagos Islands and came up with the Theory of Evolution. In 1858, years after the voyage, and after further study of his theory Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. …show more content…

Evolution is the process by which an organism develops different traits in order to survive in its on environment. Through a study of genetics one can find that organisms do, in fact, develop new traits in order to evolve to their