Obesity Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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In today’s society health is one of the biggest issues. Doctors, scientists, and every day people are always trying to find new ways to eat healthier not just for themselves but for their children, patients, and loved ones. The obesity rate has been going up rapidly for years now especially for children and teens. The topic I will cover is “Should changes be made to the regulations for foods that are served in public schools?” Simply because most of the hours spent a day in a child/teens life is at school and it is important to lower the obese weight for children for their fu-ture. Even though it’s more favorable in the kid’s eyes to have fast food by making these chang-es it improves academic performances, increase consumption of vital nutrients, prevents obesity, and also promotes good nutrition and improves health. Which I think is amazing.

Just like parents, principles and other staff members are worried about their students. For the school Appleton Central Alterative High School located in Appleton, Wisc., found that changing the food in there cafeteria improved not only the health but their test scores. For years Appleton students were struggling academically. A program was brought to them to …show more content…

In the past years there weren’t as many laws as today that’s helps students health in school. For ex-ample “LiveScience.” indicated in history that a decline in funding in the 1970s provided food conglomerates with a foothold to providing meals, often of low nutritional quality. Over the years they made changes such as in 1982, additional cuts led to the infamous recommendation that pickled relish and other condiments could count as a vegetable serving (. "How School Lunches Can Help Fight Obesity."). Some of these changes helped a little but not so much ac-cording to the