Issues In Supersize Me

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In the documentary, Super Size Me, author and director, Morgan Spurlock, embarks on a 30-day journey fueled only by fast-food. A key point of this film illustrates and provides emphasis on an inevitable weight-gain endeavor that’s been leading our population into a health crisis. Such a drawback is never mentioned by the restaurant chains and is greatly ignored by the majority of the customers. Clearly, the improvements to our eating habits and the industry are overdue, but not impossible. While this said crisis is blamed solely on the junk-food chains, everyone involved has a responsibility: the customer, the government and the school system. Parents have an obligation to educate the young family members about the dire consequences of a routine consumption of junk food, they should set an example with regard to self-discipline and aim at healthy eating habits. Personal responsibility involves learning about a product and the potential consequences of its long-term consumption. Food that is made from a variety of quality and healthy products isn’t cheap, hence fast-food must not be so healthy …show more content…

First Lady, Michelle Obama, is widely recognized for her involvement and accomplishments with influencing the lawmakers, and leading the school system on a path to the nutritious lunch options. Such an example is described in the documentary: a school in Appleton, Wisconsin, implemented food options comprised of fruits and vegetables, while completely eliminating candy and carbonated beverages. As a result, the teaching staff noted a direct correlation between said change and the students’ improved behavior. These simple, yet valuable adjustments should be applied to the school systems nationwide, and it should include the basic nutrition classes as a part of the standard