Argumentative Essay On School Lunches

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Do not fill up the tank with diesel if it takes gas, or give it gas when it takes diesel. 6% of schools provide the proper and necessary nutrition qualifications established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture ("Lindenhurst Health & Fitness Center"). Proper nutrition should be provided in school lunches because, It will prevent obesity, health problems, and increase academic performance. Nutritious school lunches will contribute to stopping obesity. Healthier options at lunch, take a stab at childhood obesity. Replacing saturated fats with high-fiber keeps the body full longer, without high-fiber foods the body will trick the brain into thinking the stomach is not food causing unnecessary snacking. There is no better time to provide acceptable …show more content…

Schools have the ability to begin and create healthy habits in lives across the nation. Health education has positive effects on dangerous health behaviors and creates a chain reaction of healthy behavior ("Health & Academics"). Schools can birth healthy habits and behaviors in students’ lives and these effects will be long term. Allowing students to gain knowledge in healthy habits provides support and practices that give birth to healthy behavior. Through the helpful hand of schools, students will learn skills to adopt and manage a robust lifestyle ("Schools"). The most important thing a school can teach to a child about a healthy lifestyle is what makes a food considered healthy. The education of nutritional foods is important if not the most important ingredient to preventing risks caused from obesity. In the article “The Importance of Food and Nutritional Education”, it states that “Without proper nutritional guidance, children are susceptible towards falling into long lasting poor eating habits that may lead to a number of health risks…” (".:Home Economics:.: .:IMPORTANCE OF NUTRITIONAL EDUCATION:."). Students with the education of the proper foods will eliminate health risks caused from obesity and they will know to to prevent themselves from becoming a part of the epidemic. Knowing what to look for in your foods is great, but knowing