Persuasive Essay: Why Students Hate School Lunch

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School districts are using the cheapest means to feed their students, and this has resulted in many students eating unhealthy foods. Even if groups of people oppose contracts with food companies that serve unhealthy food, if the school boards approve of it, the students will be served what is found beneficial for their budget, not their health. Usually when students are asked what they would change about their school many of them reply with a change in school lunch. Their idea of a better school lunch can be easily misinterpreted. In the article “Why Students Hate School Lunch”, Kate Murphy explains how the Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act was suppose to allow children to have healthier meals at school, but students across the nation are throwing most of the food into the trash; as a result, many school districts are losing a lot of money. It is clear that the new food is not reaching the children’s standards. Schools face the challenge to serve healthy foods appealing to the students on a budget. According to Elizabeth Harrington, in the article “1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards”, The Government Accountability Office (GAO) “released a wide-ranging audit of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act nutrition standards last week, finding 48 out of 50 states …show more content…

If the food’s quality is refined, the students won’t be as wasteful and more students will buy the food. Also because the school will have control of what is served, those with food allergies will be acknowledged and food for them will be guaranteed to be served. The schools will be reimbursed more money and the students will be eating healthier food. Not everyone will agree with my proposal, but I believe the student’s futures are far more important than the amount of extra money the school districts will have to pay to guarantee they receive fresh healthier