Why Is Eugenics Redeemed

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Chapter 3: Eugenics redeemed?
"After Hitler eugenics did not disappear. It renamed itself. What has thrived loudly for decades quietly took post-war refuge under the labels human genetics and genetic counselling."-Edwin Black, War against the weak

After the war the benevolent practice of eugenics had been shown to the world as the cruel, malevolent procedure that it was. The popularity of eugenics was falling as the “data, the motives, and the 'science' behind eugenics all came under scrutiny and criticism” (Galton, David (2001)).To be forgiven for the evils of the war eugenics had to once again become benign and family friendly, but the tarnished name of eugenics could not be used to name this new movement, eugenics was reborn under the new