Why Is Gun Control Ineffective

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America today is divided. Many topics are dividing the people, but I came to put one to rest. Since 1950, every public mass shooting has occured in a place that doesn’t allow weapons (Davis). The only thing gun control does is take away our rights of the constitution and the right to defend ourselves. Gun control within the states is ineffective.
It is proven ineffective time and time again by studies and laws that are passed and stripped over the years. A 2007 study conducted by several Harvard students, state that in most european countries with strict gun control had higher murder rates then those who had little to no gun control (Bearing Arms). Luxembourg, a small country that borders the Netherlands, has some of the strictest gun control laws. They banned all handguns and almost all other guns within the country. Yet in 2002, their murder rate was more than 9 times that of the gun ridden Germany (Bearing Arms). Besides foreign nations, there is proof within the United States also. In 1982, in Kennesaw, Georgia, there was an ordinance enacted by the state that required all households to own a firearm of some sort, unless the person was legally unable to own a gun. Since then the population has grown from a small 5,000 to almost 30,000 (Anderson). Since the …show more content…

You may ask, well how many people have stopped mass shootings with a carry permit? The answer between 1982 and 2012 would be 0. Shocking, right? Not really once you consider that mass shootings that happen in an area where a concealed carrier can respond immediately aren’t considered mass shootings. There are a ton of instances where a person with a permit has stopped a shooting (Davis). Concealed carry holders don’t just carry for mass shootings, it’s for personal protection. Home invasions and robberies happen all over the country. When a criminal tries that on an armed citizen, it usually doesn’t end well for the