
Why Is Hamlet Considered To Be Resilient?

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How would you describe resiliency? Being resilient is a difficult thing to understand as it is those who are both flexible mentally and physically and can rebound from difficult situations. The play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, is ultimately a play about Hamlet’s ability to overcome hardships when he is forced with extreme situations and is tested to his outermost limits, resulting in a resilient persona. The movie series Star Wars, created by George Lucas, portrays the story of a young man who is forced with difficult decisions when he is stuck in a war between the Authoritarian Empire and the Rebel forces. When comparing both these modern heroes Hamlet appears to be more resilient because he exercises his free will, is determined …show more content…

Firstly, Hamlet proves to be more resilient than Anakin due to his ability to exercise his free will when it mattered most. In Star Wars we see Anakin exercise his free will as he begins to regret his decision of turning to the dark side and joining the sith. For all of Anakin’s life he was deemed one of the best Jedis of all time, until all the pressure got to him and managed to turn him into something he’d never thought he’d become, “What have I done” (George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith). The second Palpatine anointed him Sith lord Anakin was visibly ashamed of himself and knew he had done wrong. As his master explains how all his old friends have now become his enemies a feeling of guilt is passed along his body and a moment of free will is shown. Whereas in Hamlet, after meeting with the ghostly figure known to be his father it becomes his destiny to kill Claudius and avenge his fathers death. All is going well for Hamlet as he plans to kill Claudius but suddenly sees him praying, “Now might I do it pat, now he is praying; And now I'll do't. And so he goes to heaven, And so am I reveng'd. That would be scann'd. A villain kills my father; and …show more content…

In Star Wars Anakin is destined to be the “chosen one”; the one who would defeat the Sith and bring balance to the force although this didn’t exactly end up as planned as he joins the Sith and becomes one of their greatest enemies. At the end of his reign he knows his time is coming to an end and is faced with a tough decision when he comes in contact with his son, “I'll not leave you here. I've got to save you.- You already have, Luke” (George Lucas Return of the Jedi). We see in this part how even though he chooses to die which ultimately completes his destiny he is choosing to give up proving hardly any resilience. In Hamlet we see him continue to try and fulfill his destiny while ignoring everything thrown his way. After Proving Claudius’s guilt he wants nothing more than to kill him but when he finds what Hamlet has planned he begins throwing many obstacles in his way. One day after Hamlet had recently reacted harshly and killed Polonius after thinking it was the King he was sent to England with an order to be killed. This made Hamlet think fast as he tries to find a way to reverse the order in order to fulfill his destiny. “I had my father’s signet in my purse, Which was the model of that Danish seal: Folded the writ up in the form of the other, Subscrib’d it: gave’t th’impression; plac’d it safely, The changeling never known”

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