Why Is Hamlet Insane

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Hamlet claims to act like he is all madness, but is he really him acting or is he actually insane. There are many events where you can tell that he goes insane but sometimes it seems as if he was doing it naturally. For a person in his situation to not be insane quite impressive. He just lost his dad which could easily make him go insane. Not only that, he realizes that it was his own uncle that killed his father which is more devastating. As if the scar Hamlet got from his father's death was enough, his uncle marries queen Hamlet in is unlucky to live a life with the person he suspects killed his father. This all stacks up on reasons on how he could become insane but claims that he isn't. Whether or not he is acting this way, he seems like he's insane based on the events that happens to him. …show more content…

It was told to everyone that old king Hamlet was killed by a mysterious poisonous snake while he was asleep. When mindful Hamlet found out about his father's death, he could've easily become depressed. While being depressed he could've been mentally ill and needed support from his family members to keep him calm. He never got the attention he wanted to get which was probably the main cause of Hamlet being insane. Hamlet was in a stage where he needs to get love and attention and he never got that. If I was in that situation, I would most likely be depressed and maybe go insane just because my parents mean the world to me. I probably wouldn't go insane just because I know my mom and my family will give me love and attention to let me know I am