Why Is Huck Finn A Hero

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Huck is just a racist and a protagonist he never does anything other than drive the story to the end. He never shows anything about himself that could be considered heroic. He is just a teenage boy who could care less about helping people unless there is something for him in it. I strongly believe that Huck is a protagonist because he just drives the story, he runs away from his problems, and he never does anything heroic to help people. Huck is a protagonist because he is the main character, he narrates the story, and the whole story revolves around him. He drives the plot from the beginning of the story the whole way to the end and everything in the story is centered around him. He believes in the things people tell him to believe in. …show more content…

He is always looking out for himself and making sure he is okay before the other person. An example of this is when he found out Jim ran away. He got very mad because he knew that was against the law and he knew he could get in trouble for hiding him. So he adimitly told him that was not right and that he could die over this and get himself in trouble too. If Huck was truly a hero he would be happy that Jim finally ran away. Also he would make sure they got far enough away from the town so he wasn’t caught. In addition, he would make sure he was caught before Jim was because he knew him being caught was not that bad compared to Jim being caught. Because Jim’s life is on the line and Huck would probably only get a slap on the wrists for what he did, if he told the judge the way his father treated him. But a runaway could and would be hung for running away after the people caught him got payed. Another reason why he is not a hero is when he put a snake in Jim's bed. A hero would never joke around like that because snakes are very dangerous and they could kill someone.(59) Also if the snake was poisonous there would be no way to treat him because they are on the run. A hero would make sure he was okay and never even think about putting someone else’s life in danger like that. Another reason why he is not a hero is because he constantly calls Jim the n word. Never in my life have I heard a hero call someone that and if they did they wouldn’t be considered a hero. That word is offensive and it should never be used to call someone a name. I believe that Huck is only looking out for himself because when they were on the river he tried to give Jim up because he couldn't’ do it anymore. And he was tired of protecting him from the authorities. A hero would never give up a runaway slave because they would know slavery is wrong and they would do anything in their power to make sure they got them to the north. Huck is a racist baby