
Why Is Huck Finn Good

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In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, By Mark Twain, there are many characters some good and some bad. Out of all the characters from Huck Finn and Jim to Pap and the Kings my favorite character is Huck Finn. Huck Finn is a good kid who tries to do the right thing. Huck is my favorite character because he always tries to do the right thing and he believes in what he wants to believe in. Huck does not conform to the ways of the people he is around. If he is around someone who believes something and they try to get him to believe in it to he will not believe in it unless he sees that it is right. For example, when Mrs. Watson was teaching Huck about religion and God Huck did not want to believe it because Mrs. Watson believed in it and he …show more content…

Huck also always tries to do the right thing and help people out. When Huck gives all of his money away to Judge Thacher he is looking out for Pap because he did not want him to drink it all away. It was evident then that Huck did not really care about the money because then he would have hid it somewhere or told Judge Thacher not to give the money to his Pap, but instead he just gives it away. Huck wanted his father to become better and not drink all the time because he knew that it was better for him. Huck does look out for himself but when he runs into someone and they need help he would help them. Huck has a soft spot for everyone he runs into and he helps them out no matter who they are. This aspect is clearly shown in the story when Huck is on Jackson Island and he meets Jim there but instead of him Turing Jim in like a normal white man would do he helps him out and helps him get to Cairo so he can be safe. Huck notices that it would be wrong in society to do such a thing and not turn a runaway slave in but he know that morally he is doing what is right and that is good with him. Another aspect of Hucks kindness in his heart is when the Duke and the King

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