Huck And Society In Huckleberry Finn

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The following pages will discuss Huckleberry Finn, a very young kid that father was very abusive with no other family members to take care of him. These two older women tried to care for Huck by the name of Widow Douglas and Miss Watson, they tried to raise him the good old-fashioned way but Huck was too street smarts and hyper to listen to abide by the rules anyway, plus his drunken, despicable dad played a part in his action also. Huck was a fast thinker at all times he faked his death, after his dad tried to get the ladies to sell there slave by the name of Jim to give him money if they wanted to continue to raise Huck. After faking his death, he decided to go down the Mississippi River. Jim went with him because he wanted to go and be free, …show more content…

It would be hard to argue that Huckleberry Finn is not a mischievous novel. However, in classifying the novel that way, the temptation is to create an overly simplistic binary relationship between Huck and society. However, though Huck is in many ways an outsider, he does not resist establishing himself within various people. Huck is a loner at times, but he needs people too, and he is open to spending a little time until something happens. This realization is important in studying Huck's moral decisions since his awareness of contingencies is bound up in his sense of his surroundings. At one point in Huck's journey with Jim, he meets and get himself involved in a community quite different from any he had previously experienced: the Grangerfords. Huck seems to enjoy life with this family despite he knew he did not know them. He gets to flirt a bit with Miss Sophia, play with Buck, and even has a personal slave assigned to him. However, the Grangerfords represent the most extreme form of moral belief by upholding strict standards of behavior that few people understand, even those who are directly involved. This strict moral belief eventually leads to chaos and suffering, and Huck is forced to leave. Perhaps by making Buck similar in age, and by making their names so similar, Twain shows that Huck could have ended up like Buck if he had followed the path of moral belief rather than his own practical wisdom. Buck, of course, dies, leaving Huck to cry over him. The images of the disaster stemming from the Grangerfords' and Shepherdsons' moral belief haunt Huck as he admits, "lots of times I dream about them (Boone,