Why Is It Better To Work On Strength Or Weaknesses?

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The height of your greatest strength is tied to the depth of you lowest quote weakness, these two areas of everyone’s life parallel ying and yang in the fact that you cannot have one without the other . Strengths and Weaknesses both assist in the definition of a person’s self-concept by quantifying what they see their best attribute is as well as their worst. To attempt to make a case that it is better to work on strengths over weaknesses or vice versa is redundant.
Former President Teddy Roosevelt one stated “Do what you can with what you have where you are.” (Quora,n.d)This is a prime example of the situational exemplars of Strengths and weaknesses , it shows that the attribute you work on and pull from is situational dependent. For example, …show more content…

According to Gallup , these are the talents that will allow me to maximize my success. When utilizing the strength of Harmony, confrontation is abstained at all cause. This allows for more production when everyone’s personal opinions are kept in check and there is ample support and consensus. Others may see me as quitter and reserved , especially as they are bickering over who opinion matters. I tend to hold my tongue in order to work towards the common end goal.
Individualization is a strength that rears more often on a day to day basis than the other five. With it, stereotypes are beyond annoying and looking at a person’s history and what makes them unique bring joy. When working in groups it is much easier to build a team from the ground up as you build it based on what everyone can bring to the table rater that a set …show more content…

The deliberative strength comes out when planning for any situation, as you see the risk in any situation. Instead of denying risk , you pull the out one by one and take the necessary steps needed to negate their effect.
The last of my top five strengths is analytical, while it is the last on the list its far from any less important, it intertwines through everything on the list. Being analytical thrives on the question of why. I never purposefully look to destroy someone’s facts but I do insist that they are sound and supported to remain validated. Looking for the pattern in everything helps show the truth in everything. Many different people come to those who are analytical to fact check others wishful thinking. Yet, those who are wishful thinkers tend to avoid the analytical as the will destroy their

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