Why Is It Important To Have A Shelter Dog Essay

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“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not. A thing is disposable. A dog is not. A thing doesn’t have a heart. A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” Everybody has seen the SPCA commercial with Sarah McLachlan that makes you want to cry and turn it off every time. Although, next time it comes on take a moment to look at these animals and be open minded about helping. People think that shelter dogs are broken, but actually they are in need of some love and happiness. There are 13,000 animal shelters operating in the US and just imagine how many dogs are in each one. Nothing is wrong with these dogs, but just unfortunate matches. “Shelter dogs are defective and have behavior problems, is just a myth”. “They’re no different to any dog that’s living in a home, it’s just that shelter dogs don’t have that human advocate,” says Dr. Berger, veterinary behavior specialist at the San Francisco SPCA. These dogs are in need of just some love and affection. Although, in order for animals to feel this way, it’s us that need to start helping out. Studies have reported that having a dog helps improve your …show more content…

These dogs are looking for the same thing as you, just some love. Just think how wonderful it will be to have someone to talk with and know they will never tell anybody what you say. If you need to just snuggle up or need enlist amount of kisses, they might be kind of wet, but they will mean more than a regular kiss. Come home to a dog is the most amazing feeling in the world. The excitement on their faces, jumping up and down, nothing is better than experiencing that. A dog is more than just an animal, but a best friend. If you’re in need, look up shelters near you and help these dogs. “It’s an exciting time to become a member of the shelter community.” I know after reading this article that these dogs need help and I’m determined to

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