Why Is It Important To Measure 9-13?

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Although this song may sound like a joyous song from the title, it doesn’t have that upbeat that is expected. Although this song is not entirely sad and depressing, it has a similar tune to that of a hopeful or optimistic song. There are many peculiar chords that bring a sound different to that of a normal optimistic song. Be prepared to start performing this extraordinary piece! As you scan the piece, many sections look similar to that of the beginning part. This is because the first section gets repeated again at the start of measure 9. Therefore, the measures 9-13 are just repeated from measures 1-8. Knowing that, you only need to take notice of the chords in the first 8 measures instead of just the entire page. This allows for you to save time when practicing and mastering this piece. Knowing …show more content…

This is a huge part of the difficulty involved in this song. Not only do you have to pay attention to the chords being played, but whether there are any sharps in that chord. There isn’t much I could say about the chords except that you just need to slowly play the chords in order, and then get faster everyday until perfection. Moving on, there are just simple rhythms being played, so that shouldn’t be a problem for anyone. The chords in the left hand are simple throughout the entire song because they are just octaves (playing the same note in a different place). This is the same throughout the entire song, but just playing different notes to go by. Also, pay attention to dynamics along the way, as these make the song more breathtaking. On the next page, the first parts of it up to about measure 16 are just simple rhythms with chords already played before from the first page. At measure 17, a somewhat different rhythm is being played, but isn’t as different as what was already learned to play in the first page. This rhythm can easily be understood if practiced little by little at a slow pace,