A Rhetorical Analysis Of The ASPCA Animal Cruelty Commercial

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ASPCA Animal Cruelty Commercial “Every day in America thousands of animals suffer from cruelty and neglect.” These are the first words that pop on the television when an American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals commercial turns on. This commercial was first aired on television in 2007 in America and was created by the company ASPCA. At the root of this artifact its sole purpose is depicted to get the audience (the TV viewers), to support the cause of saving animals lives from being beaten and abused through donations. The desired audience I believe is more specifically animal lovers, and/or pet owners. The overall tone seems to be mainly depressing with a hopeful undertone; a depressing tone may hope to express the discomfort …show more content…

Almost all of the video shots of animals are close-ups of the animals face, this shot may help to establish the emotion of the animal and show the neglect they have been through. The teary eyes of the animals portray the hurt they have gone through and their helplessness, while the facts such as “... but for thousands of others help came too late” encourage the audience to use their empathy to be the help those animals needed. Pathos can be a powerful way to influence an individual, as it is used in this commercial it impacts the message to the desired audience by making them have an emotional attachment to the animals on the …show more content…

By going back and forth between images and words it gives the audience context to connect to the words and not disconnect from the animals themselves. The words on the screen are placed on a black background with white basic text, this uses contrast to add meaning to the words by stating that they are plain and simple facts that demand attention. Throughout the commercial the majority of the animals shown look tired, forgotten about, and suffering; two anomalies in this commercial appear near the end when you see two separate happy, relieved looking animals on the screen. These two shots are anomalies because they are rare and do not seem to fit in with the overall tone of the