Why Is It Worth It To Be Good

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I am sure that if I asked any philosopher if it was worth it to be good, they would respond uniquely. No one can know for sure what their response would be, but we could assume their response based on the information we have collected from them. For example, based on Aristotle’s beliefs expressed in the Nicomachean Ethics some could assume he was an advocate of justice and of being a good person. There are other clues that could lead one to assume Aristotle’s views on being just. When Aristotle is defining the highest goods one can get the impression that Aristotle was a man of moral ethics. In the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle tells readers how happiness is acquired; one can not offer this kind of knowledge without having experienced happiness …show more content…

I would like to express my personal beliefs as to why it may or may not be worth it to be good. My main reason why I believe it is not worth it to be good is because of death. As a person who literally experiences an existential crisis everyday I often question certain aspects of my life, and of myself as an individual. One of those aspects is my legacy; what will I leave behind when my inevitable death happens to present itself? When I have these thoughts I often find it irrational to think anything in this world matters. I begin to ask myself if I should do activities that are reckless, and allow myself to behave animalistic, however, I also fear prison, and care a little bit about the people in my life, and would not like to disappoint them. In reality it is only worth it to be good if one believes goodness matters. I believe doing good things -if done honestly without any ulterior motives- matter in a single person’s life. I get a satisfying feeling of content when I help my cousins with their math homework. I feel a surge of bliss when I treat my family for dinner, but even deeds like that are only as meaningful as I see them out to be. No one else will remember, and