
Why Is Jordan Baker Important In The Great Gatsby

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In the world there has always been the problem of who to feel pity for and who should we contempt. The way we do this is by judging people by their actions; Hitler killed millions of people and sought world domination and therefore we must feel at least some contempt towards him, but for the people who have done bad things in their life and are trying to change themselves to become a better person for the ones they love, I think that we can find pity in our heart for them. In the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jordan Baker is the one person who most deserves the reader’s pity because she was most impacted by the tragic events that conspired in the Great Gatsby. Jordan deserves this for two reasons: she tried to fit into a place that she didn’t belong in, and Nick judged her with a group she didn’t belong to. …show more content…

On page 8, Jordan is described as “completely motionless, and with her chin raised a little, as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall.” This shows that shet has struggled to fit in and that if she were to let her mask/ posture she would immediately fall apart. As another example, in Gatsby’s first party Jordan is super awkward: “‘Let’s get out… this is much too polite for me’”(45). This shows that she does not do well with talking to people and that she doesn’t consider herself polite enough to talk to the East Eggers and the to good for the West

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