Why Is Khonsu So Powerful In Ancient Egypt

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Egypt has always been a mystery because of the technology, which was crazy good then but is now lost. Khonsu caused the crescent moon to shine and all nostrils and every throat were filled with fresh air. Anubis when kings were being judged by Osiris, Anubis placed their hearts on one side of a scale and a feather on the other. Bastet goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health. Although there are many Egyptian gods and goddesses, three of the most prominent are Khonsu, Anubis, and Bastet.
The moon god Khonsu, with his name meaning "traveler," may relate to the perceived nightly travel of the moon across the sky. Khonsu was typically shown as a young man with a side lock of hair falling at the side of the face, a uraeus (placed on the headdresses of ancient Egyptian deities and rulers as a sign of great power), and a lunar disk on his head, or as a mummy-like young man. Khonsu was revered in ancient Egyptian religion. Khonsu was said to be the child of the god Amon and the goddess Mut in Egyptian mythology. In the Karnak complex in Thebes, a significant temple for Khonsu was constructed during the late New Kingdom (664 BC to 332 BC).
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They were also believed to be the physical manifestations of the goddess Bastet. The goddess of safety, pleasure, and well-being had a slim female body and a cat's head. A cat represents a feline goddess' kinder, friendlier, and more seductive qualities. Evidently, Bastet's portrayal as a cat, which did not represent the same threat to humanity as a real lioness, resulted from this reimagining of Bastet as a nicer version of a lioness. Bastet was the wife of Ptah, the mother of Mihos, the sister of Sekhmet, and the daughter of Ra. She has been revered as a god since the Second Dynasty, primarily in Lower Egypt. Over time, her appearance and abilities