Does Loud Music Cause Hearing Loss Essay

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Sound is measured in units called decibels. The sound of a quiet room at night is measured at approximately 20 decibels. However, the maximum volume of sound on some MP3 players as well as loud music that is played at various nightclubs is measured at 110 decibels. Many ear specialists claim that exposure to noise levels above 85 decibels can damage hearing and cause hearing loss. This is because loud noise, which includes loud music, damages and eventually kills the hair cells in the cochlear because of the movement of the sound waves inside the ear that causes the structures namely, the hair cells in the cochlear to move violently. After conducting research with regards to whether loud music causes temporary hearing loss or not it is accurate …show more content…

This claim made by Harrison correlates with my claim that loud music has the capability of causing harm to ones hearing and possibly even total hearing loss. From the various tests that I carried out, one can conclude from the results that the most hearing loss occurs in children and teenagers aged between 8 and 18. After listening to loud music through in-ear earphones, the only child who could hear the best was an 11-year-old child and even then, he could only repeat 2 out of the 5 words that I said. In addition, the other young subjects aged 14, 17 and 18 were only able to repeat 1 out of the 5 words that I said. Additionally, two other participants aged 8 and 10 were completely unable to hear as they were unable to repeat any of the 5 words that I said. These results are truly alarming and by linking back to Harrison’s claim, it is clear that these children have caused damage to their hearing. These children are at the age where they are increasingly becoming exposed to loud music as a result of attending loud music concerts as well as listening to music via in-ear earphones from their mp3 or I-pod music …show more content…

Charles Kurakto, the vice president of business management at Siemens Hearing Instruments claimed that ‘the ear buds i.e.: In-ear earphones that are attached to smart phones and portable music players have caused great concern amongst various ear health professionals’. This claim implies that in-ear earphones pose a greater threat to people losing their hearing when listening to music through in-ear earphones. After carrying out research in this specific area, I can conclude that loud music has a negative effect on our hearing as loud music has the capability of causing hearing loss. After conducting my research, it is clear that noise induced hearing loss is caused by sounds that are 85 decibels or louder. It is also evident that noise induced hearing loss is more common in the younger as well as the older generations. I.e.: Hearing loss caused by loud music is especially evident in children aged 8 to 18 and in adults that are in their