Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Atlanta, the heart of Georgia is where it began for Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, at the home of his maternal grandparents. There on Auburn Avenue you will find the memorials of this great man, the home where he was born and raised, his father’s church, his burial site, and museum. Martin Luther King Jr. had a great heritage, good education, gave the famous speech, "I Have a Dream", Nobel Peace Prize, led civil rights movement, Montgomery Bus Boycott, all with nonviolence as he also studied with Gandhi. It is so sad with all his accomplishments he had to end his life by being assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. For example, King was raised in a family of preachers and race leaders that included Martin, Sr., and A. D. Williams, dad, and grandfather. Dr. Martin Luther King had a great heritage of social gospel advocates and civil rights activists. King was able to a get his education in the segregated public schools of Atlanta and at the predominantly black Morehouse College, and Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University. Dr. King was a well-educated man. The King 's strong family roots, Christian heritage, and cultural traditions combined with Western intelligence sources to shape King 's outlook, ideas, believes, and
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J. "Contested Memory in the Birthplace of a King: A Case Study of Auburn Avenue and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Park." Cultural Geographies, vol. 16, no. 1, Jan. 2009, pp. 87-109. EBSCOhost, 0-search.ebscohost.com.lasiii.losrios.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eih&AN=36116436&site=eds-live&scope=site B. S., Bini. "Principles into Praxis: Peace and Nonviolence in Action." ETC: A Review of General Semantics, vol. 72, no. 2, Apr. 2015, pp. 185-204. EBSCOhost,