Why Is Ronald Reagan's Life In Brief

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Name: Fady Andre Basset ID: 12 16 05 74 Course: HMS 301 Project Topic: Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan’s Life in Brief: He was born on February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. In 1920 his family moved to Dixon, which Regan considered his hometown. Regan graduated in 1928, from Dixon High School, he showed interest dramatics, drawing and journalism. He joined Eureka College in California, he majored in economics and was indifferent to his studies he graduated with a c grade. At a young age he did not pursue a political life but instead was interested in acting. After his graduation he found a job as a radio announcer. He found difficulties in his job at first but then became one of the best known sports announcer in the Midwest. His dreams …show more content…

He set a peaceful resolution of the Cold War, as the Soviet Union was done he asserted winning the Cold War. He also declared that the whole world won. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, his staunch ally, wrote that Reagan had "achieved the most difficult of all political tasks: changing attitudes and perceptions about what is possible. He succeeded to enlarge freedom when it was very hard. Free-market ideology expanded and an increase in democratic nations were seen at Reagan’s reign. There were many explanations for the end of the cold war by historians and others that emphasized on other factors than Regan’s impact that collapsed the Soviet Union, but it is clear that he made the change. On the economic side, an economic growth was seen due to a tax reduction and a decrease of interest rates by the Federal Reserve. However, a growth in national debt, a budget deficit and a trade deficit followed. Revenues after this taxation-cut were not as expected. Even though the economist Robert Samuelson stated that Reagan main achievement on the economic side is that he kept inflation low, and he succeeded in reducing the marginal income tax rate from 70 % to 28 %. The Reaganomics is the formula for economic growth and expansion that he found. Growth is very …show more content…

At the time were he was elected president the country was in a deep recession and facing a lot of economic and military problems that affected their nation in every sense. He made policies and was a good leader which shifted the country back to strength after the failure of the previous Presidents. What Reagan achieved was a big success and a critical change in the Western civilization. Not every President is a leader and anyone can say words and speeches but few can change a nation’s future and have a large impact on a global level. America will never be the same as it was and with the following Presidents after this man America is and will be great