
Why Is Sir Gawain Important

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Sir Gawain
Pure, brave courteous, and chivalry those are the characteristics of Sir Gawain. He often functions on a human scale, with failing and succeeding, but learning while failing and succeeding. Sir Gawain’s brothers, Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth were also knights at the round table. There are legends about all the brothers but Sir Gawain stands out to be the most honourable. Even if Sir Gawain is not ranked the best of Arthur’s knight, but he is still one of the most important. No other knight appear in more tales than Sir Gawain. But he is not always the chief and hero in the majority of the medieval romances. Sir Gawain the son of King Lot of Orkney and Arthur’s sister Morgause or in Geoffrey of Manmonth she is Anna. He appears in most of the Arthurian Legends, and playing a central role in the majority of them. There are more medieval romances devoted to gawain’s exploits than any of Arthur’s knights, including Lancelot, Tristan, and Galahad. In the romances not really devoted to his adventures, but Gawain usually plays a strong supporting role. …show more content…

So his mother ( Arthur’s sister) was pregnant, she feared that she and her unborn baby would be killed. So Anna hid while pregnant and after she was pregnant. After she had given birth to the baby boy she gave him away to a merchant and asking him to be loyal men to care for the baby. Anna had given the merchants a chest full of gold, which was to be given to Gawain when he was older. But gawain’s mother stressed how important for the merchants keeping the identity and parentage of the baby boy from everyone, including Gawain. But in Geoffrey’s Historia, there is no mention of Gewain being born

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