Why Is Socrates That The Unexamined Life Is Not Accurate

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• I believe with Socrates that “the unexamined life is not worth living” Degree of Accuracy: Generally accurate, but not completely accurate. Explanation: If people examine their experiences based on decisions they made, they should learn from those outcomes. If the consequences of their actions or decisions were not in their favor, then they should not repeat those actions. In other worlds, people should learn from their mistakes but that does not always happen. An example would be those that continually commit crimes even after they served their sentence. • I believe that the self is that unifying force that synthesizes our experiences into a personal identity. Degree of Accuracy: Generally accurate, but not completely accurate. Explanation: The identity of each person mostly comes from what he or she experience. When a variety of people witnesses the same event, they may experience that event differently. Some people are unable to develop their “self “completely. This is the case for those that are unable to experience events that others may have experienced because of the society in which they live. They create their identity based on what they have experienced under those limitations. • I believe in the existence of a supernatural creator that I call “God”. Degree of Accuracy: Generally not accurate, but sometimes accurate. …show more content…

Many people are taught to believe in God or another supernatural creator. Even though I am a baptized catholic, my mother did not raise me to practice Catholicism. I do not know much about the religion and I am okay with that. There have been times where I have been in a tough situation and I would pray to god in my head to get me out of that situation. I believe the reason is that I wanted to believe that praying would help; unfortunately, praying did not help. In summary, I can’t really say whether god is real because I don’t know enough about the religion to have an