Why Is Stew Leonard Successful

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Stew Leonard was so successful because of his experience from his childhood. He was so hardworking and he visited many food stores across the country and gathered the information that help him to open the store. The most important thing was that he focuses on his customer. He wanted that his customer should be fully satisfied. In fact company goal is customer satisfaction (Stew Lenard’s dairy). Stew Leonard has been very successful in the competitive U.S. entrepreneur. In addition to high profits, he has won high praise, including the Presidential Award for Entrepreneurial Achievement and an Honorary Doctorate of Business from the University of Bridgeport (Connecticut). He approaches the often dull but necessary business of buying and selling groceries with creativity and fun. The knowledge, skills and abilities of an entrepreneur make him successful; Stew Leonard’s uses his skill and knowledge and worked hard on it by gathering information. His determination and hard work make him a successful entrepreneur. Success of Stew Leonard’s is also depending on Policies that he has made by him. He sincerely follow these policies, he name these policies “action-based policies”. These policies are “only happy customer comes back”, “a customer who complains he is our best friend because we get the opportunities to improve”, “when in doubt, throw it out”, “do it right for the first