
Why Is Technology Important To The Success Of The British Empire

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Importance of Tools on Technology on the Success of the British Empire

Maksim Schroeder
History of the British Empire

Throughout the duration of the British Empire’s existence, the tools and available technologies were crucial to its success. The British typically had superior military technology, both for the Army and Navy compared to all contemporaries, which allowed the Empire to expand. Moreover, these superior technologies and other tools allowed the British Empire to be firmly connected, which allowed it to thrive. Finally, various innovations allowed the British to extend their territories over areas that were too dangerous to conquer previously. Tools and technology were crucial to British Imperialism throughout …show more content…

This superior technology simply made the British soldiers a more effective fighting force. With their more effective fighting force, the British were able to both conquer vast swathes of land and easily defend it, as well as enforce global interests. This is highlighted by the first Opium War from 1839 to 1842 against China. China was an incredibly powerful nation, with a large, strong, competent wooden navy and a vast army. However, despite these advantages which the Chinese possessed, the British’s technological advantage allowed for victory. British ships were iron-clad, steam-powered, and superiorly armed with swivel guns. These advantages allowed the British to obtain a dominant naval victory. Along with this naval technological advantage, the British land forces had a similarly large technological advantage over their Chinese counterparts. The British soldiers had fixed bayonets which allowed for superior close-quarters combat. Moreover, the British simply had more, and better guns and cannons which were used to great effect. To top it all off, British soldiers were also provided superior training which allowed the typical British soldier to be better than the Chinese soldier in all facets. This combined, and total military advantage was not unique to fighting against China, as everywhere that the British colonized through conquest was achieved largely due to their vast tech advantage. …show more content…

The first area in which innovations were crucial to the expansion of the British Empire was naval technologies. Improvements in ship design and naval tools in the 16th century allowed the British to begin navigating the oceans, from which they would discover lands, which they would eventually imperialize. Moreover, improvements such as the chronometer allowed for increased accuracy and thus knowledgeable travel and more accurate map-making. Another key area in which innovations allowed the British to conquer previously unavailable territory was the discovery of quinine as a treatment for Malaria by missionary John Gladstone during one of his adventures throughout Africa. This was crucial as Malaria and other diseases were massive threats to Europeans and completely shut Britain from controlling West African swathes. This is highlighted as after the discovery of quinine’s use, a British territory in West Africa, namely the colony of the Gold Coast grew

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