Why Is The Feminist Movement Still Relevant

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The feminist movement is still relevant in the modern world. The feminism of the 60’s is much different to modern feminism. Women in North America have the right to vote, we can work the same jobs as men and we can stay at home with our children. I feel that the feminist movement is about equality which means having the ability to make our own choices. The mother’s of these “trashy daughters” seem to not understand this. Women should have the ability to be sexy and powerful without feeling deemed. The term “enlightened feminism” is new to me and I strongly disagree with it. I feel I have the ability to be girlish, and sexual without losing my sense of self pride. If other women are turning this power into something degrading and disgusting I feel that feminism is going downhill. It is up to humans to treat each other equally regardless to how we are dressed. …show more content…

It is up to their families to help them through the up and downs of society’s values. I have distinct memories of Xena kicking butt and while being gorgeous. My memory is not of her wearing a thong or being scandalously dressed. She was attractive, in control of her body and sexuallity all while being a woman. I strongly believe women can have sex with a different man or woman every single night without degrading themselves. This should be their choice and their decision. The terms “slut” has become a negative word due to the societal view that women having copious sex is bad. Women calling friends sluts is a way of them destroying this standard. Words are what you make them and what the speaker is trying