Why Is The Second Amendment Important

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The Second Amendment is a frequently debated topic in today’s society. The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791 when the Bill of Rights were passed. The Amendment was easily accepted because of the majority consensus that the government should not have the ability to take weapons away from people. In many countries, corrupt governments use armed soldiers and other arms to control and oppress people. This amendment was introduced by James Madison. The most likely reason this amendment was made was to defend the American people from tyrannous rulers; for example, …show more content…

Thomas Jefferson said, “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” This expressed his agreement of the passage of the Second Amendment. I believe, this Amendment is meant to uphold the law against injustice by giving the people the opportunity to defend their own and being able to act on the possibility of terrorism. For instance, there is an armed burglar you have the liberty to possess a firearm for your defense. This brings the legal issue that any weapon could be considered an arm; however, citizens are not allowed to have automatic or weapons of mass destruction. The meaning of the Second Amendment has been altered over the years, during the 1700’s when the constitution was written the only guns there was were muskets. Now today, there are fully automatic weapons, shotguns and even rocket launchers. The main alterations to the second amendment have been the types of weapons citizens are allowed to possess. Today many Americans argue that guns should be illegal and there would be a decline in crime. These people believe if weapons were outlawed there would be less tragedies, for example, the Sandy Hook School shooting in 2012. On the other hand, people believe that criminals will still find a way to possess firearms so they need the weapons to defend themselves against the