Why Jesus Performed Miracles Research Paper

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During his earthly ministry Jesus performed miracles. Why did Jesus perform miracles and what do these supernatural acts mean for our lives today? Let’s consider three reasons why Jesus performed miracles.

First, Jesus performed miracles to show compassion and meet human need. For example, in Mark 1, Jesus encounters a man with leprosy. Mark 1:41 reads, “Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.” What stands out to me is that often Jesus’ miracles were not planned or calculated; rather, they were frequently spontaneous, the result of the intersection between God’s love and human suffering.

Why should the compassionate example of Jesus be so encouraging to us today? It is because the Bible teaches that Jesus is …show more content…

One detail that stands about the miracles of Jesus is how few he actually performed. The infrequency of Jesus’ wondrous acts informs us that miracles were only a small portion of his ministry. The Bible hints that the miracles themselves were not the point. The miracles actually served as “signs” pointing to a greater reality. Acts 2:22 declares that “Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God by miracles, wonders and signs.” The miracles substantiated the claims of Jesus to be the Son of …show more content…

In Philippians 2:5-11 , Paul beautifully described Christ’s self-emptying. In order to be our representative, Jesus Christ gave up the independent exercise of His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. When He wanted to exercise His divine power, He did so through the mediation of the Holy Spirit.

From the time of His anointing by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16), Jesus yielded Himself totally to the will of His Father as it was revealed to Him through the Holy Spirit. He performed His miracles in the power of the Holy Spirit — not in His own power. In Matthew 12:28 , for example, Jesus spoke of casting out demons “by the Spirit of God.”

It seems impossible for any person to live a sinless life as even the smallest wrongdoing would disqualify us from the “sinless” category. We are correct in concluding it is impossible for a person to be sinless, unless that person was also God.

Jesus claimed that he was equal to God, that he gave life and resurrection, and that he had the authority to judge and forgive sins. John the Baptist and others witnessed his deity through miracles. Jesus received worship due only to God and referred to himself as the “I