Why John Thomas Scopes Monkey Trial Was Important In Tennessee History

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There are many reasons why John Thomas Scopes’ Monkey Trial was important to Tennessee history. This was a major case for the state of Tennessee and I believe that it is very important to our history. The trial was just after World War 1 the year 1925 was very brutal for America and the Scopes Trial made it no better. We were recovering from World War 1 when Scopes was arrested and prosecuted for something he did in his own classroom. He didn’t think that he should have to run his classroom like the government wanted him to. He wanted to run it like he wanted to and he got into major trouble for it. He was before a great school teacher that followed all the rules but when Charles Darwin made the theory of evolution he didn’t stop teaching it. He started doing what he wanted because he thought that the fact that they were trying to take away his freedom to teach whatever he wanted in his classroom. So he kept teaching it and he thought he wouldn’t get into any trouble. Eventually they found out and Scopes was arrested. This is how the Monkey Trial came to be. …show more content…

John Thomas Scopes was a teacher in Dayton, Tennessee, who was charged on May 5, 1925 for violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of evolution in Tennessee schools. According to http://www.biography.com/people/john-scopes-17183774 he is most known as the teacher that broke the law of teaching evolution in his classroom. He didn’t want to change his ways and he got into trouble for it. That

A high school science teacher, John Scopes found himself at the center of one of the 20th century's most famous court battles. He served as the defendant in a case meant to challenge a state law against teaching Charles Darwin's theories of evolution in public schools. This is him teaching a class. This is how scopes got into trouble just by teaching something he wasn’t supposed