Why Men Die Before Summary

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Summary The purpose of Murray-Law’s (2011) article “Why do men die earlier?” was to examine the effects of cultural behaviors and how they affect men’s health. The author hypothesized that certain cultural traits harm men’s beliefs in seeking medical help while other traits would push men to take more responsibility in their health. The results in this article suggest that by encouraging men’s beliefs in responsibility and control, men would take more action in taking care of their health.
Something I believe this article did very well was explaining and testing cultural differences in some races. If this article had grouped all men together and ignored the details that would affect their cultural background, the study would have gotten results that wouldn’t have been correct. By studying specific races and looking into their own culture …show more content…

Though culture does have a huge impact on people and their lives, testing to see whether the men in the studies were married or dating or if they had a history of any illnesses in their family could have given more insight as to why they chose to be more health conscious. For example, they stated at the beginning of the article that men were most likely to visit a doctor if they had been “nagged” by a woman. You could assume that the woman in this situation is most likely a significant other or at least related to the man. Would a man that’s in a long term relationship with a woman be more responsible or would his decisions be impacted by his significant other. Men who have a history for certain health problems in their family may be more motivated to take care of themselves and watch for signs of that illness. There are many more variables that could have created a huge impact on the men’s culture in this study that I felt wasn’t really