Breaking Rules In Society

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This chapter explores the possible reasons to why men and women break the rules in society. In other words, what are these men and women fighting for and hoping to gain? Who are they fighting against? These men and women are willing to risk everything and potential suffer consequences, but why? This chapter argues that rule making is the key for domination, and if that is the case is rule breaking a key to the potential challenges of domination. This chapter focuses on power, domination, and resistance in regards to human relationships towards one another and as a whole while providing numerous examples throughout history. The chapter has several key ideas which include: power, domination, rule breaking, issues with actionablitity, and how …show more content…

This chapter argues that people have the potential power to make others do what they want, when they want, and those people depend on those in power. In other words, this chapter mentions how in regards to domination, wealth, prestige and physical coercion are the basics to dominate others. This chapter basically mentions how individuals with these traits are ranked higher in society (i.e. higher class) and therefore has more power than individual that do not have wealth (i.e. lower classes). In other words, the rich are the ones with the power and the lower classes do not hypothetically. This then creates the argument the chapter mentions how, “in society, everywhere is basically unequal”. In other words, individuals are being treated unequally and unfairly in society, everywhere. An example of this could be the Government shutdown issue; those in government are in power and because of their social status they can do what they want and shut down the government, potentially affecting citizens negatively. Meaning, thousands of people may not get paid and therefore cannot afford to pay their bills if they work a government related job. And lastly, this chapter mentions how there is a common tactic to threaten or withhold what people need and …show more content…

Throughout history, and this chapter provided several examples is that there are issues with power, issues with rule making, and issues with rule breaking. Individuals constantly and still constantly break the rules for what they believe in. Individuals constantly break the rules for a change, a change for the better. In my belief, I think the issue that is being addressed in this chapter is how there is power struggle within the society. The power the government has, the power the rich has, the potential power the people has individual or as a whole all have conflict against each other instead of coming together. We have the potential to come together and use that power to make a change. However, at the same time the potential power we have over one another can be a bad thing. For example would be people that come together to pro-test and have riots; however, it turns deadly by using violence as a way try to make their voices known. Another example would be those in power using violence against citizens to achieve what they want and need. Overall, in my understanding is that when groups come together to agree on a common goal, belief and want change. If they stand together, they can assert change even if you have to mend the rules or break them and while this sometimes can come with a cost; the end result (sometimes) can be for the better. For example would be: civil rights movement and women