Why Professional Athletes Are Paid

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Professional athletes are paid too much

Professional athletes are exactly that, professionals. As professionals in their career choice, they are entitled to earn as much as their talents and opportunities are able to afford them. They people inspire and motivate people in societies.

These professionals are part of a multi-billion industries. Professional Athletes dedicate around 40-50 hours a week, all for their sport. These hours include spending time at the gym, on the field/track and getting a better understanding of the sport, enabling them to perform at their best. Many of these athletes started training at a young age. One example would be Usian Bolt, as he become the fastest run in his school at the age of twelve years old, once he entered High School he began his training. These athletes need to remain healthy, thus they won’t be able to sustain an injury, which can lead them to failure in they career, thus put in effort to be in the best shape. The popularity of a sport can encourage a higher income of teams and individuals. Sport players play a major role, especially in the United States of America and in the America Football areas. These players attract fans to their TV’s, live games and other forms of watching. According to USA today, the NFL has an annual revenue of 25 to 35 billion dollars. Thus the average income for a NFL football player is $677,647 per year. Most sport stars have …show more content…

Many of the connotations evolve around the use of Drugs and creating a “false” name in the industry. Many people around the world looked up to Lance Armstrong as a role model, in 2013 he admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs. Lance used drugs to become better in his sport, thus making a higher income and becoming a world-renowned athlete. He lets down millions of people around the world, and he made money of this, leading to him not having a good responsibility of his power. These