Summary Of Tom Brady Contact Football

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Entertainment is plays a massive role in today’s society because people get enjoyment and relaxation from it. Certain forms of entertainment appeal more to others, but one specific type that people love is athletics. Each sport has unique fans and plenty of them. An extremely common sport for adults and children is football. People all over the country play for professional football teams and semi-professional teams and get paid insane amounts of money to do just that, enjoy a sport. Not only do adults play football, but a large number of children partake in the sport as well with aspirations to grow up and be celebrities like the mature adults that thrive off the game. But the difference between adults and children is that children are not …show more content…

For ethos, which is the part of a message that refer to the authority of writer. The author connects his article to a professional football player by the name of Tom Brady. Tom Brady is arguably one of the best quarterbacks of all time and is extremely successful. Brady did not play contact football until the age of fourteen. The author recognizably uses this to help bring readers onto his side for this argument. He can make the claim that because Tom Brady stayed away from contact sport until this age that other’s should follow in his footsteps and brings credibility to the author and helps prove to readers that what he is saying is sufficient and the best thing to do. Furthermore, the author continues on his argument with pathos. Pathos is a strategy used by Hyman to put the audience into a certain mood. The author tends to attempt to put the readers into a scared mood or uses fear to enlighten them on his points of view. By using words in an informative way that involve the massive amounts of concussions in the world due to football it creates a sense of unstableness to the reader and can make them worry about their children and their futures if involved in concussions. If the reader is a child, he or she can be then scared of being hurt and having to potentially deal with concussion related injuries later in life. If the reader is a parent or adult in general, they fear for their children’s or other known kid’s health and future. The author references previous reports of children getting injured and repeatedly claims that it can happen to anyone and everyone is vulnerable to these head related injuries unless the contact is avoided. To go along with the text using pathos, there is also a picture in the article that helps portray a mood that agrees with football being dangerous. The image is mainly dark colors and there is