Why Required Classes Essay

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Why “Required” Classes are not Needed Past Middle School
Classes that are required for graduation limit a students time, forcing them to “learn” massive amounts of information that are ultimately irrelevant to their future career. The things that people memorize in high school are quickly forgotten. Students are expected to know about what they want to do with their career in their Junior year of high school when they begin to apply to colleges, and yet most adults seem to think that at the same time teens are incapable of deciding exactly what skill sets and ultimately what classes are needed to get them there. Required classes limit a student’s ability to get a feel for what college is like. If students are constantly babied, reminders of …show more content…

Driving them to believe that there will always be someone there to remind them of the next assignment, to remind them the importance of their work. But idea is simply not true. Students need to find their own motivation. If a student cannot see a reason to participate in school, they have almost definitely thought it through. I know what I want to do. I am going to go to become an experimental physicist in the field of quantum Information Science. I know what I need to get there. I will obtain a PhD in particle physics theory at The University of Edinburgh. To get there I will be taking many AP classes as well as as obtaining as many honor credits as possible. AP physics one and pre-calculus my Junior year, AP physics two AP chemistry and Clac-one my senior year. I know how I will obtain work experience. I will join Nuffield Research for a period of 3 or more years before applying for a job with IBM. So why should I pay any attention to a dumb history class? Why should I have to take phy-ed if I know how to be healthy? Shouldn’t 5 AP credits in science and math be enough to get me where I want to go? Why I should care what other people think I should be doing in high school? The number one wish of people who are dying is that