Why Should Batman Kill The Joker

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Terrorism is a huge problem in the United States and all around the world. It is a federal offense that ends with the death penalty--or at least it should. In fact, the exact definition of terrorism is, “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” From a worldly perspective, Batman represents the government, and the Joker represents terrorists. Since the government should put terrorists to death, Batman should do the same to the Joker. It’s crazy how society takes more action on imaginary scenarios rather than real-life situations. The government is so scared of what the outcome of its decision will be that it doesn’t act in the most efficient ways. This is why the government isn’t always the best with following through with these executions. The CNN article claimed how from 1978-1995, there was a so-called “Unabomber” that was held responsible for a string of mail bombings, resulting in the deaths of three people and the injuries of many others. These bombings are classified as terror cases, …show more content…

However, these people are looking at it from a literal perspective--they are relating it strictly to the comic and not to the real world. The article Should Batman kill the Joker states, “there are also good reasons not to kill him, based on what killing him would mean about Batman and his motives, mission and character.” Batman’s mission throughout the comic was to not stoop down to the Joker’s level. By killing the Joker, Batman would do just that. Therefore, killing the Joker would ruin Batman 's whole motive as a hero. Others say that there can’t be a hero without a villian. However, the subject is way deeper than this. It is not just about the literal interpretation. It has a more mature meaning behind it. It relates to the real world, the government, terrorists, society. Batman must kill the Joker, just as the government must kill