Why Should Books Be Banned In Schools

683 Words3 Pages

Malek Farhan
Ms. Yang, Pd 1
English 2

The banning of books in high school is a very controversial topic, with some arguing that it is necessary to protect students from harmful content, while others argue that it mainly depends on the age appropriateness of the students and their level of maturity. While there is no denying the fact age appropriateness should be taken into consideration, banning books can limit the different voices and perspectives available to them, Ultimately limiting their ability to engage with complicated issues and develop critical thinking skills.

In fact, Banning books restricts intellectual freedom and critical thinking. As one person says, “It is time we stop being so afraid that we feel we have to prevent students from learning how to engage in critical thinking. The lack of …show more content…

They argue that students need to be exposed to different perspectives and challenging ideas to develop their critical thinking skills, and banning books only limits their ability to learn and grow rather than “protecting” them. Another member of the conference argues, "Song of Solomon is a beautiful, heart-touching book with a lesson. Life isn't all rainbows and unicorns, so why shelter our kids from FICTION? Do you not trust your kids to be able to discern literature from reality? It IS difficult fiction, but it also teaches history and social context. It's a shame that Franklin doesn't have the guts to stand up to one ranting board member. Censorship is one step away from book burning." They argue that they shouldnt limit the thinking of their students since some book genuinely have life lessons and it should be something they should be banning since it limits the critical thinking of a