Why Should I Receive A Scholarship

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I believe that I should be awarded the Franklin County DHR Scholarship because I have shown how hard I have worked throughout my high school career. If I were to be lucky enough to be selected for this scholarship, I know I will continue to apply the same diligence and determination to my collegiate studies as I have to this point, making my education and future my top priority.

Financially I need this scholarship to assist my family in paying for my college education. If I am lucky enough to receive this scholarship, it would greatly help ease the burden on my parents. Receiving the scholarship will provide me with the peace of mind and security to help pay for tuition, books, and other college expenses. If I was awarded this scholarship, it would be a tremendous help to my parents. I will try and help my family out as much as possible by continuing to work part time at my job. This scholarship will allow me the time to focus on maintaining my 3.84 GPA, take up as many classes as I can while simultaneously preparing myself for pharmacy school.

I have known what I wanted to do with my career ever since I was young. Science has always been a passion …show more content…

I am responsible, focused, and hardworking. I plan on learning valuable skills that will hopefully one day make me a better pharmacist. Please know that this scholarship will make a huge impact on my ability to continue in school and it will be greatly appreciated. Hopefully by sharing the achievements I have accomplished and my career goals, I have been able to give you a perception of the person I am and what I hope to achieve in my life. I have included what I have felt to be some of the most significant influences on my career choice. I expect my college education to continue to be a learning experience which I embark upon with eagerness. I sincerely appreciate your time in evaluating my application and giving me this