Why Should The Federal Government Increase Alternative Energy

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Although critics think it would be too costly, the federal government should substantially increase incentives for alternative energy source in the US. Some people believe that is would be more expensive, the Government would have too do more paperwork, the people wants the government too give the alternative energy developments money for alternative energy sources. But, people should have alternative energy sources because it will help the environment, It will save energy and fossil fuels, and it also helps improve science as the world goes on. The Federal Government should substantially increase alternative energy because it will help the environment. Wind energy will help the environment because it doesn’t create any pollution in the air because it’s wind. Wind energy will blow no matter what so they 're just taking advantage of what is already there. The Federal Government should increase the alternative energy because it will help the environment from wind energy, because wind energy doesn’t create any pollution in the air. Plus, the wind from wind energy will always blow so there just taking advantage of what is already there. …show more content…

The technology will become more affected because people will put more money into the development. People started using cell phones and as more people started buying them. The more it became popular and now that everyone put money into the cell phones because that’s what everybody uses. The Federal Government should increase alternative energy because science will improve the technology because it will become more affected by people. They will put money into the development. When more cell phones became popular because people put more money into it, the more it became