Why Was The Civil War Difficult

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Name The Civil War: The Most Difficult of All Wars to Endure The Civil War was a bloody, hard war that not only put those men who fought the war into harms way but also created extremely stressful situations for the families and friends of all those involved. It can be argued that the Civil War was the most difficult war ever endured by the American people. There was not a single person in the United States of America who was not affected by the Civil War. By analyzing primary source research and analyzing three distinct documents, a better understanding of how taxing and painful were the trials and tribulations of the Civil War. The first example analyzed is a map of the Battle of Bull Run, fought in 1861 (see Appendex A). Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas, was one of the earliest battles fought in the Civil War and is often referred to as the first real battle fought during the conflict. The reason this map is so important is because it shows the disposition and aray of the troops who fough the battle. The troops are not spread out behind concealment nor are they positioned in order to make a quick retreat. Instead the troops are boldy arrayed in a strong defensive position and …show more content…

From such a outdated method of fighting, on such a large scale, only a large amount of destruction and death could come from the conflicts in which the armies found themselves entangled enough to fight. The style of Civil War battles created an environment that presented an even more hazerdous environment to those soldiers who fought the battle and, combined with poor medical knowledge, the soldiers were exposed to a level of lethality that supports the argument of the Civil War being the most painful and taxing war of American