Why Was The Industrial Revolution Successful

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First established in England the Industrial Revolution was the great increase of machines-made goods, therefore allowed many of us to expand our business and wealth. After noticing how successful it was going for us many countries started their Industrialization. The reasons for the Industrial Revolution taking place in England is because of perfect natural resources, Britain had all the factors for production therefore making a successful Industrialization. Before the Industrial Revolution took place, people would weave textiles by hand. Luckily for them with the invention of machines people began boosting their profits because of how quick and easy it was for them weave. The Industrial Revolution didn't go well for everyone.

With the inventions of the machines, factory owners can make profit more quicker and open …show more content…

Not everyone benefited from the Industrial Revolution. One example were small children, as young as five kids would need to work in factories 6 days a week 14 hour a day with health risks and no school hours for cheap labor. Children would work in coal mines half -naked, carrying heavy coal carts and breathing in chemical that could lead to life threatening diseases. In factories working conditions were not better but probably the same, receiving small pay for long hours with the worst conditions possible. Children would need to wake up early every day and got to work with an empty stomach, no rest, no windows for the hot fumes to get out, and even worst they would get beaten if the factory owners saw that they were not doing their job as expected. Women also suffered from bad working conditions in coal mines and factories, and just like children they got payed small wages for the type of dangerous jobs they did daily. In some cases, women were left with permanent deformations due to chemicals they are being exposed to. Sadly, some women had no choice but to work in factories to keep their family from