Why Was There Such A Big Issue During The American Civil War

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American Civil War: Their were many issues from the American Civil War that helped to create a union. One of the issues was slavery. People in the South wanted to support slavery ,but people in the North thought slavery was wrong and wanted to end it. Another reason on why slavery was such a big issue during the American Civil War was because more states were becoming slave states. Since more states are joining slavery, this will upset the balance of slave states and free states. Another problem that occurred from the American Civil War was the power of the States to create its own laws and rules. The states wanted to be free from British rule so they had power to create different laws for themselves. These issues are from the American …show more content…

One of the problems was that take over was very expansive. If they wanted to take over land, they would have to pay a lot of money. Not only to buy the land but also to give them resources and money for jobs and food. Another issue that the Americans had was that they thought it would violate ideas of independence. Another theory that the Americans had was that if they take over to much land, they are scared that it might start war. The Americans also believed that some of the people from different countries, can not be civilized. These were the issues from American Expansionism that helped create confederation for …show more content…

Fenians are a group of Irish Americans that wanted to free Ireland from British rule. The Fenians thought that if they moved to America, they could capture Britain much more easily. They thought that capturing Britain would be simple if they moved to America, this reason is because the U.S has a lot of power so capturing Britain would be easy. Soon the Fenians attack British North America. They tacked about 5 times. These were the issues from the Fenians that helped British North America think of creating a union. These are some of the reasons on why Canada wanted to unite from the Fenian Raids. One of the reasons is that people thought if they united as one country, than it would be much harder for the Fenians to attack since now they are untied and will be more stronger. Another reason on why confederation was a good idea was because they can get more stronger en in the army to prepare to fight any Americans/invaders. The colonies of British North America believed that if they formed a union, the Fenians would stop attacking and their will be peace amongst the land. If the Fenians had not attacked Canada in those 5 times, members in parliament would have taken much longer about considering confederation. These were the reasons on how the Fenian Raids help members of parliament consider about