
Why Was World War One Important

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Do you know anybody who served during World War One? World War One was one of the largest wars in history, but how much do you actually know about the war? Because World War One had an impact on nations all over the world, one should learn the war’s causes, it's important battles and leaders, and its lasting impression for people today. World War One started when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on June 18, 1914 (World War 1 Fast Facts). This was after Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated (Ross,6). On August 10,1914, Russia is invaded by Austria-Hungary (World War 1 Fast Facts), who shortly after, allies with Germany (World War 1 History). On August 15,1914 Germany captures the city of Liege, which …show more content…

They were much safer, lighter, and protecting than the previous helmets and are still being used by our troops to this very day. The helmets have many purposes such as a helmet or even used as something to dig a fox hole. The steel helmets have played a key role to the success and efficiency of our nation’s armed forces. Perhaps one of the biggest moments in the war was the first uses of tanks in battles. This marked a pivotal point in the advancement of our technology. Tanks made it so people weren’t out in the open, resulting in less casualties for us, while causing massive casualties for our enemies. Another big moment was chemical warfare being used for the first time, which led to the increased need for gas masks. Chemical warfare was a way to cause many casualties with no or few casualties of our own. One of the biggest and most useful inventions was wireless communication. Wireless communication played a big role in the war. Since the war, there have been major improvements made to the systems. During the war, they were heavy and very large, now they are light and portable. Wireless communication helped the army talk to each other almost simultaneously and stay in constant contact. Without this, the war

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