Why We Have Partners In Plato's Symposium

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In Plato’s Symposium, Aristophanes story is very unique to why we have partners. Aristophanes story is like an old fable. It begins with three sexes all body’s had 2 heads,4 arms, 4 legs and two sets of genitals. These beings were very powerful could move very quickly in all directions and would spin using their circular bodies. Men came from the sun, women came from earth and the third gender came from the moon. The third gender “androgynous” had both sexual body parts and was both male and female. The gods felt threatened by these beings so they decided to cut all of them in half so they wouldn't be as strong. When Zeus split them in half he sent Apollo down to earth to trim their sides and make them more like humans we know today, leaving …show more content…

This passage discusses something wonderful happening when you find your other half, you get stuck to your partner all over again.You feel your sense of belonging to each other you never want to be separated from each other not even for a moment. I associate this description of love and finding of your soul mate when you first emerge into a new relationship. When it is fresh and new you want nothing but to be with that person. You don't want to be separated or away from that person for a long time and this feeling lasts for a long period of time. It can be described as the phrase “young love” when love first ignites our only “desire” is to be with another and to be struck together with that person. I believe eventually this feeling wears off and that is why I disagree with the passage, people may be struck to that person at first and be connected to the point where they don't want to be disconnected. I have been in relationships where at first it's beautiful it's everything I wanted and within time it withered and died. Eventually that feeling wears off maybe in the time period of this discovery the lovers were united and would die at the connection of each other but in this era love is not as “completing” to another person as it is in the reading. In 192B a statement is made about men “loving love” and that people don't want to get married and just experience love. In today's time love is a financial