Why We Procrastinate By Estroff Marano

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In his essay “Why We Procrastinate,” Estroff Marano states that procrastination damages oneself and hinders one’s progress. Moreover, he feels, as a nation, we fail to recognize the grievousness of this bad habit, and the consequences that occur with this learned behavior. According to the author alcohol consumption, deception, and lack of engagement are a few of the destructive and costly outcomes. Marano concludes that with therapy, procrastinators can replace their harmful habits with healthier ones. I agree with Marano that chronic procrastinators have undesirable patterns of behavior that prevents them from being successful and impedes them from having healthy relationships. Three common reasons why people procrastinate is fear of …show more content…

A person fears the unknown and is unsure as to whether or not they can handle the changes. For example, a man who is unemployed, his benefits are about to expire, and he desperately needs a job. On a Monday he receives notice of a job interview for the coming Thursday. His wife excitedly helps him pick out a suit and prepares him for the interview. She emphasizes several times that he needs to get gas before Thursday. On the day of the meeting, he wakes up late, hurriedly dressed, rushes out the door, and then hits heavy traffic on his way to town. Stuck on the highway in bumper to bumper traffic, gas gage on yellow, near empty, and running late; he feels panicky. Once off the highway, he rushes to the first gas station, but it is too crowded. He hastily drives hoping to make it to the next one, but he hears the all too familiar sound the car makes when it is out of gas. Luckily, there is parking available. Thinking, not the best place to leave his car, at least he can walk the eleven blocks. He arrives huffing, puffing, sweaty, disheveled, annoyed, and late. After the interview, a block from his car, he notices the parking ticket. What else could go wrong? Unlocking the car door is when he notices the glass on the passenger’s seat, someone has broken into his car. Why, he keeps asking himself, what is wrong with me? Downhearted, he avoids going home, for he does not want to face his wife, and he dreads hearing her say, “This is the third interview you sabotaged!” With the fear of change, a person unconsciously hinders themselves by putting up barriers to prevent change. A final form of procrastination is being distracted, specifically with texting. This form of communication absorbs one 's attention and prevents their awareness of their surroundings. Younger people are especially finding this a challenging issue. Texting at the wrong time or at inappropriate times comes with

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