Why We Should Abortion Be Legal

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In the 1950s a girl named Dawn Hill was being molested at the age 11 by a close family member. When she reached 13 he began raping her until she got pregnant. In the fifties, abortion was illegal. Her mother had to travel all the way to Mexico to have the procedure for a price. The time was extremely hard for Dawn and scarred her for life. “I have blocked out many memories associated with this entire experience, but I remember the pain. For women and girls, safe legal abortions are essential. While many will choose a different path than I with their pregnancies, having that choice is essential. Abortion is a right that all women should have because women should have control over their own bodies and life, the U.S. Supreme Court declared abortion …show more content…

An abortion is the “deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy” (Dictionary). Before the 1800’s, abortion was completely legal.However,in the mid 1800’s some states were passing laws making abortion illegal. Anti-abortion laws varied from state to state. The right to have an abortion in all states was only made available to American women in 1973 when the Supreme Court struck down the remaining state laws in the case Roe v. Wade. The case made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions. After the case, those opposed to legal abortion immediately began working to prevent any federal or state funding for abortion. In recent years, however, the Supreme Court has begun to allow more restrictions on …show more content…

You also need to be prepared financially. Money plays a big role in raising a child. On average, it can cost $12,500 a year to raise a child. This number includes clothes, food, diapers, and other supplies. If you were a teenager and still in school and making minimum wage, do you think you could raise a child? What about women who simply don’t have a job at all? Or a woman who simply can’t take care of herself let alone a child. In other words, if you aren't ready for a baby, abortion could be the way to go because it is what is best for a person's life at that

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