Why We Should Be Added To The Physical Education Program

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A healthy experience that should be added to the physical education program is camping. Camping will allow many individuals to enjoy multiple benefits for their health. Such as the fresh air, socialization, improved moods, less stress, exercise, sunshine, restful nights, and new challenges. Not many students today are fortunate enough to experience new things like camping, because no two trips are alike. By missing out on all these health benefits, it can affect these students later in life.

In addition, when camping, besides receiving many health benefits, we also may receive wonderful memories. Camping is like a breath of fresh air, when a soul is away from the rest of the world and many other responsibilities. This breath of …show more content…

After a day of fun adventures, the students will probably want to take some time to relax in the beautiful sun on the beach side. Thanks to the sun we will receive plenty of vitamin D, which allows us to absorb calcium and phosphorus. At the end of the day, it is lights out, and if a person has decent equipment they will most likely receive better sleep, which can reduce inflammation and keep them asleep while improving their cardiovascular system.

This activity is extremely beneficial, especially with the body systems. It is important to allow kids with the opportunity of fresh air, no stress, and most importantly little to no homework. In the end, I hope after learning more about the benefits of camping; the next time someone is given the choice they will have chosen to go and discover the joys I feel every time I am surrounded by the beautiful nature.
A healthy experience that should be added to the physical education program is camping. Camping will allow many individuals to enjoy multiple benefits for their health. Such as the fresh air, socialization, improved moods, less stress, exercise, sunshine, restful nights, and new challenges. Not many students today are fortunate enough to experience new things like camping, because no two trips are alike. By missing out on all these health benefits, it can affect these students later in